Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Lucky Update

Hey y'all! How is your week going so far? Thanks so much to everyone who sent well wishes over for Lucky, the pup. He's doing much better. Just look at what a difference a few days have made. Here he is the day that we found him and a shot from yesterday:

Aww! That smile! He's still dealing with broken bones and today, he got the big neuter but if all goes well, he'll be going to a great rescue on Friday. He's super nervous of strangers but with time, we think he'll be able to give and accept love.  Due to his condition, we believe that he was neglected for a long time before we found him  - more than likely chained up somewhere, ignored and hardly fed. We're going to help him through it all though, one step at a time.

In other news, George Jones' funeral is tomorrow and it's open to the public - and lo and behold, those batshit crazy Westboro Baptist Church picketers are scheduled to show up to attempt to spew a whole hunk of hatred all over the place. Should be interesting. Nashville is full of big ole country boys that more than likely aren't going to take this all too well. I wish that I could be there to bid farewell to George and to see these folks run out of town on a rail but alas, I can't be.  I hope that a sinkhole opens up one of these days and the Westboro folks fall down where they can't hurt anymore people.  They are so delusional and downright scary mean. I don't know how they can walk around with so much hatred in their hearts for everyone.

In happier news, I've been getting so many nice notes from you all lately! It just makes my day to hear what you're up to and for you to share cool stuff with me. If you ever want to say hey, just use the "Contact Me" button on the right of this page and that should send you straight on through.  Note: I answer every e-mail that I get so if you have ever sent me one and I didn't respond, please don't think that I'm some hateful e-mail ignorer.  Totally not my style! Your note may have just gotten lost in the internet ether. Do try me again if you don't get a response. I'd love to hear what you're thinking and what you're up to! I can't tell you how much I appreciate every single one of you who stop by Ranch Dressing and read whatever the heck I'm laying down.

Alright, I've got to mosey along and continue with this hectic week. I hope that you all are doing great!

Until next time,
x's and o's,


DearHelenHartman said...

Aww, Go Lucky! He is lucky indeed.
On the funeral. OMG. What is wrong with those people? I cannot call them a church.

Dana@Mid2Mod said...

Good news about Lucky!

It irks me that these so-called Christians have completely missed the point of Christ's teachings. Do they just skip right over the Sermon on the Mount and the admonitions "Judge not lest ye be judged" and "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone" when they read their Bibles?

Rae - Say It Aint So said...

he looks so much better already! bless you for taking mr lucky in and getting him into rescue.
and i wish i wasn't working tomorrow. i'd be at that funeral blocking those west boro idiots. i'm hoping for a sink hole to open for them too!

Unknown said...

Yeah for Mr. Lucky that the Kitsch's found him. Shame on those that can neglect these helpless creatures! Hope he will get just the right forever home!

Unknown said...

My dog Scout was a rescue dog. Someone threw her and her siblings out on the side of the road. She was a scared little thing when we first got her, but she's one of the family now.

Thank you for saving Lucky!

Unknown said...

I love lucky!!! I wish I could rescue him...but my assholes wouldnt be too fond of that

Sara In AZ said...

Whoo-Hoo go Lucky! He looks great!!!

And ugggghhhhh, those Westboro people .....when WILL that sinkhole open up???

Karen/Small Earth Vintage said...

Oh, Lucky! What a cutie pie. You are my hero, Eartha.

nancyworegreenstockings said...

His eyes and posture look so much more guarded/wary, sad and scared in the first pic, and in the second, it feels like he's learning to know he's safe and can relax. That's really amazing and wonderful. Lucky is very lucky!

Rita said...

I just love reading your blog, Eartha. You always make me smile and feel better. Yeah, sinkholes. That idea makes me smile as much as Lucky. :-)

mary scott said...

Those funeral protestors are on the same level as the terrorist bombers IMHO. What a sweet dog - another one so blessed to be found by you all. Thank you for the bear ladder video too! You are both so wonderful to care for these thrown away animals. It makes me sick that someone can do such harm to innocent animals & funerals, Mary

Kelli Davidson said...

Your new baby is beautiful! He looks so happy and healthy now although I know he has a long way to go. As for the Westboro folks. They came to a town in my state when a young soldier was being buried. It's a really small town and the townspeople were waiting: They got out at a diner to eat, and they happened to be out of food. When they got to their cars to head to the funeral, surprisingly, they all had at least 1 flat tire. When they called someone to fix it, they were unable to come due to the funeral. Tow Truck, same thing. Sheriff came along and told them to move along and he would escort them. They all rode out of town on doughnut tires and the sheriff left them at the county line. I don't think they come to our state nowadays!

Betty Crafter said...

A friend of mine who is a country singer has plans to go park his tour bus in front of the Westboro wack jobs to block them from the funeral. Awesome idea, in my opinion. Also, Lucky is looking pretty happy! Bless your dear sweet animal saving soul.

SUZY8-TRACK said...

Lucky is one beautiful doggie! He definitely looks happier now! Glad to know that there are folks like you who will help out these poor discarded animals.

That's a shame about the funeral being invaded by picketers. Will never understand the level of hatred some people have for others.

Lisa said...

Oh my GOODNESS, look how much happier and healthier Lucky already looks! It touched my little heart to see these photos this morning, you're a miracle worker!

Did you watch the memorial on tv? My mom called me to talk about it, again, like George Jones and his wife were people we knew. I think that's the sweetest thing. It's a shame about those protesters...what are they even protesting at a country music legend's funeral? Grrrr. Weirdos.

Greener Pastures--A City Girl Goes Country said...

The Westboro people are inbred creeps. Did you hear some gay activists were on Google Maps and happened to stumble upon the house that was for sale right across the street from the Westboro Baptist "Church" and they bought it! They promptly started painting it those rainbow gay colors and now they're running their organization there, right in front of those mean bastards! And there's nothing they can do about it!

You're wonderful for saving that dog. I do not know how someone can hit an animal and not stop.

Penny-Rose said...

I am so glad Lucky is getting better - I think its terrible that some people hurt animals and do not take responsibility. He looks like a lovely dog and I hope he finds a loving new home. Thank you for sharing the baby bears and ladders video, I just love it. There are some truly good people in the world and you are one of them. I have been lurking around for a while, your blog is really cool.

Jen said...

Lucky is such a doll—I am glad to read he's doing so well!

Don't get me started on the Westboro "church". I hope Freedom Riders or someone showed up to keep the fringe, well, at the fringe. Ugh.

linda h said...

Back in the late '60s when Westboro was just the pastor 's family and one other family, the youth department had a candy sale fundraiser "benefiting the youth department " which consisted of the pastor's kids. It benefited them by paying for cool clothes for the new school year for the pastor's kids. When hearing about it at the time, I did not think that was quite honest.

Mamaholt said...

Oooo! I love Lucky!!! I LOVE him!!!

Westboro - sad, sad, mean, hateful people. I truly believe they are mentally ill. Sickos.