Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sharing is Fun!

For a while now, I've been following Say It Ain't So, an awesome blog written by another local Nashville gal, Rae who is super cool. Recently, I was in the pay by the pound Goodwill parking lot and remembering that she posts sometimes about she and her hubs going there, thought to myself, "I wonder if I will see Rae and Travis!" and I swear to you, not even five seconds later, I looked to my right and getting out of the car right beside me were...Rae and Travis. Visualize to Realize, people!

Now, my unearthly shyness took over for a second and I thought about I don't know, diving under the car. But then I realized that they're cool kids and I may never get to meet them. So I said hey. And I think I scared Rae out of her wits because I pretty much shrieked at her and popped out like some deranged Jack-in-the-Box. It was then that I remembered that I'd just been climbing over cow skeletons in a field and my boots were covered in cow dung (long story. another time.) and I looked like a crazy woman. But so it goes...glamorous alter-ego blown.

As we talked about the adventurous world that is the Goodwill, they reminded me of their amazing Hank Williams bust that they scored there once. Like I could forget - it's one of the stories that keeps me going there even though I think that I'm going to get my eye put out by someone throwing a lawn chair or a set of steak knives or a small child. That place is crazy wild, yo.

Anyway, recently Rae was invited to share the story of Hank as her favorite find ever over at Owl Really which is written by Jamie. And I followed her over and "met" Jamie who also lives in Nashville and who before long, invited me to share one of my favorite finds too. And of course, I picked the Pam films. So I'd love to have you come on over and read the interview and meet the also super cool Jamie if you haven't already. Click here to go see:

I think it's a great idea that Jamie has come up with for a series. It's kind of like show-and-tell!

Until next time,
x's and o's,


Betty2Tone said...

I'm super shy too, so I would probably try to dive under my car as well :)

Eartha Kitsch said...

Are you really? It's something else, isn't it? I always think, "oh my god! I'm not cool enough!"

Betty2Tone said...

Plus I think meeting a fellow blogger would be this strange grey area. You sort of "know" them, but really you don't. That's the part that would freak me out

Eartha Kitsch said...

I can definitely see that! I've met quite a few people that for the longest while I'd only known on the internet. Most of the time, it went swimmingly after the first bits of awkwardness but there have been rare cases when I think that neither one of us thought that the other one was who we imagined they'd be. :) said...

i'm not shy at all - so if you ever see me, please say hi! i have no "eartha"ly idea what you look like, so i will never be able to recognize you!! :) but now whenever i go to the goodwill outlet, i will be scanning every normal person there to see if they're you! ;)

Rae - Say It Aint So said...

i'm SO happy you said hello! I'm super shy too so I probably would have hid in my car. I saw two bloggers i follow in nashville (one at the flea market, and one at porter flea) and i was too chicken to say hello both times! we must have both visualized seeing each other at the same time, because i had been thinking on the drive up "i wonder if i'll ever see her around town'.. and don't worry, i didn't even notice the cow dung. hahaha!

Eartha Kitsch said...

Jamie: Ha! I like how you assume that I'm going to be one of the "normal people". :) I promise that I'll say hey no matter what.

Rae: That's crazy! Maybe together we can visualize world peace or super cheap amazing estate sales. said...

well there are definitely people there that i know you're NOT.. like the guy who fills his cart up with brass or the guy with the long hair who wears overalls with no shirt underneath... or any of the moms who let their kids chew on toys they find on the ground.... shudder.

Eartha Kitsch said...

Ha! Or those two guys that work as a team and fill up their carts to the top with paperback books and don't mind throwing huge hardbacks dangerously from bin to bin even if someone happens to be looking there!

However, I *might* be the lady on the floor weeping with a bloody nose because of them.

Jodi said...

I'm a fellow Nashvillian that follows this blog and Rae's. If I ever see one of y'all in there I'll come say hello. I did see Travis in there the other day but since he doesn't actually write their blog I didn't say anything to him, not wanting to freak him out. I love that Goodwill, my husband calls it The Junkstore. He's in there most every day on his lunch hour. I try to go only a couple of times a month 'cause I buy way too much crap when I go there.

Amber Von Felts said...

I just went over and checked out your Pam story. I had been wondering exactly what the back story was on those films and also where Pam was now. Whether we are Pam's family or not, her story is a part of our own lives now :-)

Carolyn Hestand Kennedy said...

Wow. The Pam story is great. I can totally see getting immediately sucked in to watching all of them repeatedly. I'm impressed that you found an 8mm projector to do so.