Things are creeping right along here. We finally found an amazing contractor and worked to line up some really great subcontractors. We felt really relieved and were supposed to start busting into the floor this coming Wednesday. Until this morning when the insurance company wielded their fatal blow, saying that our contractor was too expensive and that we'd have to use one of theirs. And their subcontractors. Boom, y'all. We're not feeling too good about that situation so we're fighting them tooth and nail right now.
This morning, the work on the hardwood in the foyer and living room started. Instead of the usual team of motley suspects, they sent one guy. Just one really huge guy. Who from the time he stepped into our front door seems to have great animosity for us. I think I'd rather have the poopy pants guy back. Poopy pants can be changed quicker than a foul attitude. We had been promised by the flooring company owner that what the "team" would be doing today wouldn't cause any dust and that no, there was no reason to clear out rooms, cover things with plastic, etc. "Absolutely no dust!" the guy told me on Friday.
Of course, when this guy showed up he said that what the owner said was complete bunk and that he'd be using a circular saw right into our floor which yes, makes a lot of dust. Basically, the inside of our house has become a woodshop. I asked him if the dust usually stayed in close range to where he was cutting or if it was going to spread around the house. He looked me dead in the eye and said, "When I'm cutting, I don't look to see how far my dust goes." Brilliant. I bet his wife has the best time of things. Just a few moments ago, the smoke alarms started going off. That's how much dust there is.
So, this morning we were running around covering up furniture and emptying everything from those rooms into the kitchen and Den. I think Mr. I Don't See How Far My Dust Goes enjoyed watching us run around like chickens. To be honest with you, this flooring guy kind of scares me. He's kind of like Andre the Giant but less whimsical. Gah, I know that there have to be great workers in the world but I can't prove it. So, I think that it's time to talk about some happy things, don't you? Here are a few bright spots from the past week:
My Mom sent this glorious picture of canning season back home.
Straight from the garden! Can't you just smell and taste them?
She also sent this photo of my niece and nephew enjoying my little nephew's birthday.

Cracks me up! Here is their Dad and me in a very similar pose back in the 70's.

She also sent this photo of my niece and nephew enjoying my little nephew's birthday.
Cracks me up! Here is their Dad and me in a very similar pose back in the 70's.
Yesterday, we had a photo shoot at our house!
That's Misha Williams totally glamming it up there. She's an awesome singer, songwriter and friend. I met her on the Skippy Lou search and she's a real go-getter and advocate for the animals. One weekend, she trapped over a dozen cats and still managed to look glamorous. We were honored that she picked our house (taking special care not to show the destroyed sections.....oh, the magic of photography!) and it was fun to have some positive energy around the joint with all that's been going on.
No, I never go out in the sun. Why do you ask?
Oh! And while we were in Alaska, I had the pleasure of having guest posts shared on two great sites. First, I wrote about an interesting found art piece over on Curious Objects. And I got to share Jason's fantastic vintage shower door remake with the readers over at No Pattern Required. These are both really great sites and I'd recommend checking them out. Elsie of Curious Objects has a real knack for curating wildly interesting things and the ladies over at No Pattern Required are on top of everything that a vintage lover well, loves! They're good people, all of them.
Alright, I'd better get back towards the front of the house and start checking on the kitties who are cordoned off into safe rooms. I'm also thinking of baking a bunch of whiskey & chocolate pecan pies to stockpile before our kitchen goes gasping and screaming into the deep, dark void of demolition. And admittedly, part of me likes the idea that the wonderful aroma of the pies will torture that flooring guy and pay him back for his rudeness and insolence this morning. He'll so wish he'd been nice to me!
I hope that you guys and girls are having a great week so far! I'd give you pie. I totally would.
Until next time,
x's and o's,
I hate creepy contractors! He's going to rue the day he was rude to you once he gets a whiff of those pies, no doubt about it.
That's a bummer, I would keep trying to get the contractor you want. You may have to pay some out of pocket, but you want the best. I use to work for a contractor so I know sucky guys are the worst. Even though it's super dusty, watch them like a hawk make sure you have a really good inspector. Look up this big guy on BBB maybe there is some bad stuff about him and you can get rid of him. It's your house and you should have who you want fix it.
i'm sorry, i can't pay attention to the rest of the post because of that amazing little dog sitting in front of your fireplace!
I swear you live the life a 1930's surrealist. While your house is being destroyed by evil giant minions,you're having photos shoots in the corner. While wearing Dorothy's hi-tops.
You are a straight up TRIPPER! Gawd I love you
Oh,and that counter of mason jars packed with canned goodness...sigh. Flashback to the pantry out in my Mom's ceramic room in the 70's
I rarely give people permission to throw hissy fits. I'm a mom, so I know that if you overuse them, they just kind of lose their general showiness and grandeur. But I'm giving you a pass, a first class, first row pass, to toss the biggest hissy fit you can toss, as far as you can toss it, at your insurance company. I think if nothing else you should be able to negotiate a cash settlement so that YOU can choose the contractor. Go forth and hiss that fit, girl. And good luck. Oh, and about 300 cans of Pledge and a dust mop.
Are you kidding? Those first two photos are so freaking fantastic :)
I can't wait to pull out my old birthday photos as a kid and compare them to my daughters...Themed parties especially... Cartoons were way cooler back then though so even though I do love me some Spongebob...I think She-ra or Slimer kicks any now-a-days cartoon right in the butt!
May I just agree with everything cheshirecat666 said? Sending best wishes to you as you work your way through this horribleness. At least everything else in your post speaks to a wonderful life.
You do seem to attract the most horrible assortment of workers. I thought the poopy guy was as bad as it could get, but this guy does sound worse. I hope things start to look up for you soon.
I am just so sorry to hear all the things you are having to deal with right now. Creepy contractor guy, how rude! Karma is a you know what!
The pictures of the birthdays are so adorable, I especially love the look on you and your brother's faces, so cute! I am also coveting the cup in the most recent picture, how can I get a set of those :)
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