Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday and It's Trappings

Thanks to everyone who stuck with me to the end of my post yesterday - and thank you SO much for all of your great advice! (and offers to bust some heads)  Here's where things are at this point: No, we still don't have a kitchen but according to the construction company, they have now arranged for a team  who installs for our local flooring store to come out on Friday morning and make things right. Apparently, they do VCT for a living and know what they're doing. Of course, as you can imagine, we are taking all of this with a few thousand grains of salt right now until we see the job that they do.

And not to worry - we're not going to sign off on anything until it's done to our standards. Since that's three days away, we think that our best option is to give them a chance as if they actually do a great job, we can be done with our repairs by the middle of next week and be moving back into the kitchen. Since that will be week six, we want to give these people a shot. Because we know if we start contacting the authorities, boards and media right now, we're liable not to have a kitchen well into next year once the ball gets rolling. If these guys jack things up though, we won't hesitate to take this situation to them.  Oh, and rest assured that even if they do things right and are finally out of our house, we're still going to file complaints and leave scads of negative reviews all over the internet so that hopefully, no more homeowners will be caught off-guard and use them.

In positive news, I've been cat sitting for the sweetest little round eyed tuxedo cat named Elvie the past few days.

Look at that face! She has seriously been my bright spot. Her meow sounds like a cross between a cricket and a duck and it always makes me smile. We go out on her patio in the sun every morning and sit and watch the birds and bugs and in the evenings, we play toy mouse games and she lets me hold her. She's been a serious stress reliever for me. And her parents' house is beautiful and full of vintage delights that I can sit surrounded by without any dust, demolition or stress. They even have a kitchen which reminds me that I will one day too.

In my search for microwaveable recipes, I came across this in a Betty Crocker cookbook for kids from the eighties and it made me laugh so hard - which I needed.

I love her hair and giddy grin. And how excited she is not to have to clean a cookie sheet.  I had that exact same hair when I was a teenager. Lord have mercy. Some were the cool kids and well, some of us were the Robins. I'm probably still a Robin if the truth be told.  

Another thing that has made me happy? Panda bears on a slide!

And my imaginary boyfriend, Tommy Seebach. He was the original rump shaker. 

I hope that all of y'all are having a great week and finding some things to smile about. I'll let you know how the Friday crew does and hopefully come up with some more happy stuff before then.

Until next time,
x's and o's,


Bronwen said...

Us Robins grew up into way more awesome adults than the cool kids could every have hoped to. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Hope these guys aren't a bunch of knuckle heads too! Oh and girlfriend needs to lay off the perms.

Jamie@OwlReally.com said...

Oh heavens, I'm so sorry to hear about all the kitchen woes. Here's hoping for someone to finally do the right thing and their job correctly. Thank you for the panda video, cutest thing EVER.

Rae - Say It Aint So said...

i'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for your floor instalation!
and i'm having a lovely mental picture of you at that cat's house lovingly gazing at their counters and kitchen floor and dreaming of your usable space again. maybe a sappy song is playing in the background...haha

Rita said...

Oh, I am speechless. Somehow I missed your post yesterday--when I was speechless about how anyone can think the word "rape" needs some kind of qualifier in front of it. (Sorry to get political, but that's where my head was.) I guess yesterday was the day of injustices. I CANNOT imagine being without a kitchen as long as you have been. This just sounds like such a nightmare. And like you said, just so wrong. Wish there were something I could do.

Welcome to DeluxeVille said...

Good Luck with Friday! Your post from yesterday was terrifying and just such a nightmare. Hopefully after Friday you will be done and you can show us awesome pictures next time!
I bet these new floor guys are going to be like, "wtf happened to your floors" when they see the mess the last flooring crew has made of them!

I will keep my fingers crossed for ya!


cheshirecat666 said...

shee-at,I'm with Robin,I'm still totally nuts for Nifty Nachos! I make mine on a paper plate for the "I don't have to wash a plate" bonus! I just discovered that I'm freakin' nuts for jalapenos too after 43 years,so nachos have gone up a whole 'nother level for me

Dana@Mid2Mod said...

I'm glad you're finding some things to smile about, and I hope the new crew has some sense.

Sparkleneely said...


You're not a Robin. You're a bluebird of happiness, I tell ya...

Keep us posted!


Karen/Small Earth Vintage said...

I read your post yesterday and couldn't comment because it gave me a flashback to my childhood when my parents had a similarly nightmarish battle with the guy who built our house. I was too young to understand all the details, but do remember the fix involving a large pit being dug out in front of our house, and doors no longer closing properly due to shifting foundations. *shudder* I'm sending many good thoughts for your long nightmare with these jerks to be over, and for your lovely home to be a comfortable, beautiful nest again!

Jen said...

Elvie is such a cutie! I'm also glad to read that you have a quiet, peaceful place to go right now. I'm sure that helps a great deal! Also, if we were heading anywhere, I know our kitties and Ben would be in very good hands with you. Do you think you can clone yourself for pet-sitting purposes?

Also, totally a Robin. Probably still. Why do you think I married so late?

Stacy @ Stacyverb said...

My computer's been on the fritz, so I'm just now catching up with all of this. UGH! Glad you're able to find some moments of joy during all this chaos. Elvie is real cutie pie! Who wouldn't feel better looking at that face?