Hello, young frankfurters...wherever you are...
That's right. Just look at those two wieners turtle dovin' on that bench. Is he supposed to look like Rhett Butler? Why are they yellow? Is it wrong to covet a lady frankfurter's skirt? Will they get married and have cute little cocktail wieners?
I can't answer these questions for certain but let's give our thanks to Shop-Rite and their cookbook "Quick Dishes for the Woman in a Hurry" for showing us that love knows no boundaries.
And hey, you red hots! Get a room!
Have a great Sunday, everyone! If you're a Mad Men follower, tonight is the night!
Until next time,
x's and o's,
Ummmm, is it wrong if I covet her skirt too? :) Me loves!
SUPER excited about tonight!!!! I Cannot wait to see what is up in Mad Men land!
I know! She has great fashion taste, that one!
I am excited AND nervous. I know that the entire episode will fly by and that it will be filled full of long commercials that try to be hip with the Mad Men lingo....but still, I've missed it so! I want to see the old gang again...
I have hopes that Sal will come back. I love me some Sal.
Oh my! I love old cookbook illustrations, they're so cheeky.
♥ Rebecca Jean
Midnight Maniac
{ A lil bit retro, a lil bit enviro, a lotta sass. }
Sal is the best! And you are right, it will fly by. I have to admit I am a bit nervous too. :) I am kinda hoping Betty didn't marry the political guy - guess we will find out tonight!
From what I've heard Betty is indeed remarried ... but not necessarily happy. No surprise there!
I want this frankfurter skirt to wear while watching Mad Men tonight!
Rebecca Jean: Oh! Me too! I wish that today's cookbooks had such a sense of humor. I'd gladly trade the updated tasty recipes for the funny illustrations.
Sara & Charm and Poise: Oh no! I don't want Betty to be remarried...I really just want this season to pick up on the very next day where last season left off. I'm really picky about my faux worlds. :)
Speaking of Mad Men...thought you may like to read this book penned by one of the original Mad Men. Here's a story on NPR about him.
Well, I guess they did not pick right up from where they left off after last season.....but close-ish. Weird that Betty is not divorced quite yet, but her and the politician dude are living in her and Don's old house. Is it just me, or does Betty look sorta frumped out now? You are right Charm and Poise - Betty did not seem happy at all! Weird that Don almost seems to be the more responsible one now. No Sal..... yet anyway! Sorry, didn't mean to go off on a Mad Men tangent! :)
Sherrie: Thanks! I'll check that out! I want to see if it was really like the show portrays. :)
In our area, Fresh Air on NPR is doing a show right now with Matthew Weiner about the new season. If it's not on there, here is the page where the audio will be later today:
Sara: I know! Betty looks totally different to me - more frumped out, for sure. I still think that Don and Betty will end up having an affair even if they don't get back together. The set for the new ad agency pained me. I miss the old Sterling Cooper offices! :)
I super miss the old SC offices too! I know it's totally insane to want Betty and Don back together - but I WANT them back together too!!!! They seem, in a way, perfect for each other. Maybe Don can clean up his act and Betty can figure things out and they can live in perfect Mad Man-land! :)
Oh crap, I was wrong - Betty is already married to the political dude isn't she! I guess I didn't want to see it at first, but sure enough they had rings on. :(
I think I saw that skirt in Anthropologie the other day...
Sara: Oh, but you know how that show goes...they might just STILL get back together! :) I think that he's smitten with the opera girl because she is so like Betty was when they met.
I'm still not sure if I like the political guy yet. Time will tell...
an: Dang! Leave it to Anthropologie to be the first one to come out with the wiener lady skirt!
Gosh, I love Anthropologie. Well, their catalogs. I won't let myself go into their stores. It'll blow my mind.
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